Thursday, January 8, 2015

WATCH: Two Headed Snake Discovered!

Snakes are one of the creatures existing in this world that most people are scared of. Not just because of their creepy looks but also because some snakes are venomous and could end man’s life once you’re bitten.

For snake lovers these creatures are the most beautiful among reptiles. That’s why they prefer to collect more snakes inside their house than free them in the wild.
But, have you ever seen a snake that has two heads? This is very unusual and if you have seen one on the Internet most of the are Photoshopped just to get the attention of people.

Apparently, in the video shown below, this one is real! And this  two-headed Santa Maria snake was discovered in the woods near this small Cuban village.
The snake is one year old and measures about 60 centimeters. Its heads work independently but it only has one digestive track.

This is one of the weird footage that I’ve ever seen so far. And I was amazed that this creature exist in this world. That’s why I would no longer be surprised if I’ve seen some creatures in actual with multiple heads. This is the best thing that nature could offer to us.

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