Sunday, December 28, 2014

WATCH: Pizza shop closed after customer films RATS tucking into cheesy treats

The disgusted shopper couldn't attainment what was happening behind three large rodents scurried across the snack bar
A takeaway has been closed by police after a would-be customer filmed a three hungry, big rats chowing down vis--vis the order of pizzas at the shop.

Disgusted Evgeny Ivanov, 26, had behind than to the hasty-food outlet at a bus station in Nizhny Novogorad, Russia, in the abet on he spotted the helping themselves to the pizzas.

Police avowed they had ordered the outlet to be closed and the food destroyed.
After filming the shocking scenes concerning his mobile phone, Evgeny said: "I couldnt confess it."

"The three rats were invincible and were blatantly gnawing away at the pizzas - I don't know where the pizza seller was.

"I got the phone out as I wanted to prove what was going on, there is a exact be poorly once rats a propos here and seeing this is just unbelievable."

A spokesman for the food outlet said: "We are au fait of the business and are taking trial to remove the rats for all time and make determined they don't come back uphill.

"Why the sales belt in crime didnt nimble us to the problem we have no idea but we will be investigative her."

There has been an outbreak of viral hemorrhagic fever (VHF) in the region this year.

A coarse syndrome that attacks organs within the body, can cause internal bleeding and be excitement threatening, VHF is commonly progress by rodents

A police spokesman said: "We have ordered the pizza outlet to be closed and the food items to be destroyed.

"This is a grave problem to the public and we will be checking added outlets to ensure nothing same is occurring or is allowed to happen in the higher."

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